Oleh Mahardika Putera Emas
✳Matrikulasi (2 bulan)
▪️Beginning Arabic-Elementary Level in Listening, Reading, Speaking & Writing : al-Kitab part 1
📖 Semester 1
▪️️Intermediate Arabic 1
▪️Islamic Law 1 : Thaharah & Ibadat (Matn Abi Syuja' & Umdatus Salik)
▪️Introduction to the Qur`an
▪️Trivium Seminar 1-Grammar :
-Aristotle, "Categories" & "Poetics"
-Sophocles, "Oedipus Tyrananus"
-Sigmund Freud, "On the Interpretation of Dream"
-Nietzsche, " The Birth of Tragedy"
▪️Prophetic Biography :
-Sirah Ibn hisyam
-Martin Lings, "Muhammad, His Life based on the Earliest Sources"
▪️English Language
📖 Semester 2
▪️Intermediate Arabic 2
▪️Islamic Law 2 : Zakat, Shaum, Hajj (Matn Abu Syuja' & Umdatus Salik)
▪️Trivium Seminar 2-Logic :
- Aristotle, "Organon", "Prior", "Posterior Analytics", On Interpretation"
▪️Trivium Seminar 3-Retoric :
- Plato, "Gorgias, "Phaedros"
- Aristotle, "Sophistical Refutations", "Rhetoric"
- Cicero, "De Oratore"
- Quantilian, "Intitutio Oratoria"
▪️Creedal Theology :
- Al-Thahawi, "Aqidah Thahawiyah"
- Abu Hanifah, "Fiqhul Akbar"
📖 Semester Pendek
▪️ Intermediate Arabic 3 : al-Ajurumiyyah
▪️ Arabic Qualification Exam
📖 Semester 3
▪️ Arabic Grammar & Texts 1 : al-Kitab part 2
▪️ Qur`anic Sciences (Ulumul Qur`an) :
-al-Suyuthi, "al-Itqan fi Ulumil Qur`an"
-Michel Cuypers, "The Composition of the Qur`an : Rhetorical Analysis"
-Carl Ernts, "How to Read the Qur`an"
-Thedore Noldeke, "Geschicte des Qorans"
▪️Prophetic Tradition (Hadits) :
- al-Manzhumah al-Bayquniyyah
- Al-Nawawi, "al-Arba'in al-Nawawiyah"
▪️Logic in the Islamic Tradition
- al-Sulam al-Munawraq
- al-Isaghuji
▪️ Islamic History
✳ Honors Program (2 year)
▪️Qur`an : Juz 29; QS. Yusuf; QS. al-Kahf
▪️Tajwid : al-Jazariyah
▪️Aqidah : Jawharatut Tawhid
▪️Hadits : Arba'in Nawawiyah
▪️Tashawuf : Fasl al-Mursyid al-Mu'in fi Matn az-Zubad
▪️Sirah : Qurratul Abshar
▪️Ushul Fiqh : al-Waraqat
▪️Mantiq : as-Sulam al-Munawraq
✳ Preceptorials (Special Reading Course)
▪️Shakespeare : Hamlet, Macbeth, King Lear, Coriolanus, Othello
▪️Boethius : Consolatio Philosphia
▪️Dante : Divine Comedy
▪️Plato : Republic
▪️Macintyre : After Virtue
▪️Al-Attas : On Justice & The Nature of Man
📖 Semester 4
▪️Arabic Grammar & Texts 2 : al-Kitab part 3
▪️Euclidean : Geometry (The Elements)
▪️Seminal Ancient Texts :
- Epic of Gilgamesh
- The Code of Hammurabi
- The Panteteuch
- The Hymn to the Aten
- The Theogony
- Works & Days
- The Histories
- The Analects
- Tao Te Ching
- Bhagavad Gita
- Dhammapada
▪️Politics :
- Plato, "The Republics"
- Aristotle, "The Politics"
- Thomas Aquinas, "Questions of Law"
- Machiavelli, "The Prince", "The Discourses on Livy"
- Hobbes, "Leviathan"
- Locke, "Second Treatise on Goverment"
- Rosseau, "On the Social Contract"
- Mill, "On Liberty"
Marx, "The Communist Manifesto", "The Capital"
Nietzche, "On The Genealogy of Morals"
📖 Semester 5
▪️Advance Arabic Morphology : Tasrif al-Izzi
▪️Islamic Family Law
▪️Constitutional Law
▪️ Kalam Theology :
- Jawharatut Tawhid
- al-Bidayah fi Ushuluddin
▪️Philosophy :
- Plato, Aristotle, Plotinus, Thomas Aquinas, William of Ockham, Descartes, Nietzche, Hume, Kant, Ayer
▪️Research Method Seminar :
- Kate L. , "A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, & Dissertations
- Turabian & Garner, "Chicago Guide"
▪️Horseback Riding
📖 Semester 6
▪️Advanced Arabic Grammar : Matn al-'Awamil
▪️Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence
▪️Comparative Theology
▪️Reading in Muslim Spirituality :
- Risalah al-Qusairiyah
▪️Classical Muslim Texts & Commentaries :
- Muqaddimah Ibn Khaldun
▪️ B.A. Thesis Research
▪️Horseback Riding
📖 Semester 7
▪️Arabic Rhetoric & Literature :
- Durusul Balaghah (Hanafi Nasif, Muhammad Diyab, Musthafa Tammum, Sultan Muhammad)
▪️Metaphysical Foundations
- al-Attas, "Prolegomena to the Metaphysics of Islam"
- Plato, "Euthypro", "Giorgias"
- Aristotle, "Nicomachean Ethics"
- Maimonides
- Aquinas
- al-Isfahani
- Kant, "Deontological Ethics"
- Mill, "Utilitarianism"
▪️Astronomy in the Islamic Tradition :
- Ptolemy, at-Thusi, al-Syathir, Ibn al-Haytsam, al-Biruni, Copernicus, Brahe, Kepler, Newton, Enstein
▪️Contemporary Muslim Thought
▪️B.A. Thesis Writing
Semester 8
▪️Senior Arabic Seminar
▪️Islamic Commercial Law
▪️Islamic Inheritance Law.
▪️Principles of Democracy
▪️B.A. Theses Completion
▪️Hifzh Qur`an
▪️Service Learning